Friday, January 20, 2012

Assignment 2 Setting

Claudius awoke that morning to the warmth of the sun’s rays hitting his young face.  His long list of duties prevented him from sleeping further and he arose from his cramped sleeping quarters and prepared himself for what lay ahead.  Dressed in his usual drapery of rags, Claudius mentally checked his list of items to pick up from the market as he walked to the open front of his master’s house.  He peered out and saw that a beautiful day still awaited him.  He took a deep breath of the warm summer air, holding it only for a moment, before he set out on his way.
            Claudius was making his weekly trip to the Forum Boarium for supplies as ordered by his master.  He was pleased with his early start and hoped he would be able to get first pick of what the market had in stock.  Though despite the hour, the heat was beginning to pick up. Claudius thanked the gods that Palatine Hill was so conveniently located to the Forum Boarium.  Claudius looked back at his home, by now a mere house among several, and the great buildings of the Roman Forum across the way caught his eye.
            He found himself stuck in his thoughts, mystified by the forum’s beauty and elaborate architecture.  He began to wonder how it must have looked in Rome’s infancy; a brand new city, ages before it reached its power and success.  It must have been miniscule in comparison to its current greatness.  Birds stirring in the trees around him broke his daydream and he quickly continued on his way to the Forum Boarium, cursing himself for losing focus and quite possibly his early morning start.

-Elizabeth Reed