Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sapir Ohayon, Character Analysis

Sapir Ohayon
Classics 80 B
Due: February 3rd, 2012

Assignment 4
Introduction of Characters

Marcus Julius Antonius: This character is easily described as a bold middle-aged man and easy on the eyes. Marcus Julius had many concerns in his life, mostly with his family, local politics and other recent events. He cared deeply about his wife, Antonia, and their son, Lucius, and even expressed empathy and friendship with their household slave, Flavius. Clearly of prestige, Marcus Julius' father had worked in the government and had built up the family name with honor and pride. Living a comfortable life, Marcus Julius could be seen casually walking down the Capitoline Hill towards the Roman Forum for a day out shopping or attending public meetings. Marcus Julius often wore the common male tunic, however, his was special in a way because it had two thin purple stripes running down each side. This was significant of his place in the equestrian class, and the tunic was known as tunica angusticlavia, and he even wore special shoes symbolizing his higher status.

Antonia Publilia Antonius: This character is the wife of Marcus Julius Antonius, and holds many responsibilities in the household. Not only is she in charge of making sure the children are safe and taken care of, but she also cleans the house and makes sure to go shopping and get groceries for cooking use. Antonia is also of the equestrian class because of her grandfather, who was the paterfamilia of her family. She is often seen wearing a long tunic, long enough to cover her ankles as to just let her shoes peek out from underneath. This tunic was called a stola, as she was a married woman, and sometimes wore a cloak with a buckle fastening it on the right shoulder when it was colder weather. Her house shoes were typically sandals with open toes. She appeared to be a very elegant and put-together woman.